Travel Vaccines
Our up to date expertise will help you travel worry free

The species of mosquito that transmits Zika is the same as the mosquito that transmits Dengue, Chikungunya and Yellow Fever

How do you get the Zika virus?
By being bitten by infected mosquitoes that carry the virus. The disease can also be caught through sex with an infected partner
Which countries are affected by the Zika virus?
Many countries in the Pacific region, South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, and parts of south and southeast Asia (see map)
Symptoms appear between 3-14 days and are generally mild.They can last 2-7 days and include fever, rash, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, joint pain, feeling of being generally unwell, and headache
Serious symptoms
Some babies born to women who become infected have severely abnormal brain development. Possible links with a range of other complications are being investigated
Visit your nearest convenient pharmacy or specialist travel health clinic for a risk assessment before your trip
Take steps to avoid mosquito bites when mosquitoes are most active (during daylight hours, mainly early morning and late afternoon/evening)
If pregnant or intending to become pregnant, women should take extra care to avoid being bitten, and try to avoid becoming pregnant while travelling
Use a recommended insect repellent containing either 20% Picaridin (e.g Moskito Guard®), DEET, PMD or OLE, IR3535 or 2-undecanone
Wear appropriate clothing (e.g loose-fitting long-sleeved clothes, long trousers, socks and shoes) to minimize exposed skin
Use mosquito nets if you are sleeping or resting in unscreened accommodation or sleeping outdoors during the day or night
Practice safer sex (including using condoms)
There is currently no vaccine available in Canada.